Rabu, 15 Februari 2012

Social Organitation of bali tibes

 SOCIAL ORGANIZATIONa). MarriageWithdrawal in the lineage leading to the Balinese people are patrilineal. Caste system strongly influences the course of a marriage, because of a higher caste woman marries a lower caste man is not justified because there is a deviation, which would shame the family and dropped the whole caste prestige of female children.In some areas of Bali (not all areas), the submission shall also apply customary dowry (petuku luh), but now it is mainly among the family of learned men, have disappeared.b). KinshipCustomary retreat settled after marriage affects kinship in a community association. There are 2 kinds of sedentary peoples who often true retreat that indigenous peoples are justified virilokal newlyweds settled around the center of the residence of the husband's relatives, and indigenous peoples neolokal is a newlywed living alone determine the place of new residence. In Bali there are three major clan groups (triwangsa), namely: Brahmin as master of ceremonies, Knights are: group-specific klompok like arya Kepakisan and Jaba is a religious leader.c). SocialVillage, a whole community of people living in Bali include two terms, namely: traditional villages and countryside department (administrative). Both are a union territory in connection with any religion or customs, while the service is unity admistratif village. Activities focus on areas of traditional village customs and religious ceremonies, while the village-centered services administration, governance and development.LIVELIHOODIn general, people bali livelihood is farming majority, on the plains where rainfall is quite good, especially beef and pork pertenakan as an important business in a rural community in Bali, both land and sea fishing which is odd pecaharian eyes, craft making craft objects including woven , sculptures, fabrics, carvings, percetakaan, coffee mills, cigarette factories, etc.. Efforts in this area to provide employment to residents. Because many tourists who visit Bali then arises the hotel business, travel, crafts shops.

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